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The children of the Iisbäre group love to eat plums, whether for lunch, for snack or as jam. Together with the children we prepared our own plum jam. The children were allowed to help cut the plums and mix all the ingredients. While all the ingredients were heating up, the kids got busy playing games at the table and waiting for everything to be ready to pour into the jars of jam. After all the jars were cooled and labeled, together we brought a jar of plum confi to each group of the Familycare Pierrot daycare center. The joy of the groups was great. The confi was also really delicious.

Samira Ruetsch, group leader of the group Iisbäre, Kita Familycare Pierrot

Plum time 1

Plum time 2

Plum time 3

Plum time 4

Plum time 5

Plum time 6