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What do the hedgehog and the rabbit actually do in winter? We, the group Zauberstärne, took a closer look at the book "Wir zwei im Winter". In the book, we learned that some animals hibernate - including the hedgehog and the rabbit. But before the hibernation, some things have to be prepared.

From the book we learned what the two friends experience during the preparations. For example, they need to gather enough food before the cold season so that they don't go hungry. Likewise, they need a warm and cozy bed, because hibernation goes really long. The hedgehog and the rabbit wake up only when it is spring and it gets warmer outside again.

The children listened with interest and excitement and talked about the story and told it to their parents in the evening.

After the story, the children were allowed to create a hedgehog, which then went into hibernation. Toothpicks were used to recreate the sting. There was no limit to creativity - each child was allowed to make the hedgehog the way he or she liked it.  

We are looking forward to the hedgehog and the rabbit waking up from hibernation and sharing their new adventures with us.

Nush Mujaj, Co-caregiver, Kita Familycare Pierrot

Winter sleep 1

Winter sleep 2

Winter sleep 3

Winter sleep 4

Winter sleep 5