Daycare centers (Kitas)
Our daycare centers (Kitas) offer high quality, professional and loving childcare.
Since 2001, Familycare Basel has been offering professional, high-quality childcare in its own daycare centers. The daycare centers are located in the city of Basel and in the two municipalities of Reinach and Oberwil in the canton of Basel-Landschaft. In 3 to 5 groups, 32 to 56 children between the ages of 3 months and school entry are cared for daily.
All our daycare centers are run according to the pedagogical concept of Familycare Basel; it stands for sound, high pedagogical values, enjoys great recognition among professionals and is highly appreciated by parents.
The daycare centers are open all year round except around Christmas and New Year and on public holidays. They offer childcare for 12 hours a day from Monday to Friday. Individual occupancy options can also be arranged.
St. Jakobs-Strasse 199
4052 Basel
Telefon +41 61 311 37 92
Bahnhofstrasse 37
4104 Oberwil
Telefon +41 61 401 50 77
Petersgraben 17
4051 Basel
Telefon +41 61 261 78 00
Peter Rot-Strasse 18/20
4058 Basel
Telefon +41 61 691 40 50
Burgstrasse 5
4153 Reinach
Telefon +41 61 713 09 90
Hörnliallee 75
4125 Riehen
Telefon +41 61 201 20 30
Sternengasse 19
4051 Basel
Telefon +41 61 201 35 10
Elsässerstrasse 4
4056 Basel
Telefon +41 61 322 23 14
Im Westfeld 30
4055 Basel
Telefon +41 61 201 09 90